For the first time this month I hosted a workshop day with only Christmas music in Christmas atmosphere. The Cello Christmas Extreme. How nice and cozy it was; the house was filled with cellists and guests. Outside the Swedish torches and fire basket were burning;...
UPDATE 23 MONTH: This workshop is now offered online because of the measures taken around the Corona virus! Last year I received an email from filmmaker Maarten Roos with the nice news that Ilse de Ziah, Irish cellist and completely at home in Irish music, would give...
Join us online now that there’s nothing to do! It’s a fact; there’s almost nowhere left to do anything… Going to the supermarket is an outing! Looking for inspiration? Do you want to learn something new? Air Lingus can’t fly cellist Ilse...
How are you? I hope you’re healthy and enjoying the sun. Now all cello lessons will be given online the workshop Irish music with Ilse de Ziah will also take place online! Because of this there were three times as many registrations, great! There is still room...
Now the Back to basics is on it and the feedback is so great, I’m thinking about another activity in April. Of course; on February 28th and March 2nd we will play together first! What I would like to tell you more about and what I would like to teach you is to...
We’ve got a taste for playing together! Since January all the cello workshops are full and because Lotte can’t teach on June 1st – she’s going to the cello festival in Dordrecht- Koen and I will take over the Saturday. Koen is Koen Schouten,...