In the first week of January something very beautiful happened, something I hope to experience often. A beginning cellist, who has a second year of cello lessons in the surroundings of Utrecht, planned a lesson because she wanted to see if the cello she borrowed was...
1. “Playing the cello should start young.” Nope. Really. I started when I was 19 and became a professional cellist, and I have pupils who started after the age of 45 and now effortlessly change positions and enjoy Bach: fable! 2. “Playing the cello...
Playing double handles, or ironing two strings at the same time so that two tones sound, is a feast. I love it! Unfortunately not everyone shares this thought with me, but practice makes everything better and easier. Golden rule; work with your weight so that your...
Now the coronavirus dominates I hear from several students that they will be working from home next week. Of course they also do their work at home 100% but they already indicated that there is more time for the cello in between. To relax the working head. Did you...
Eigh shelves in the supermarket, no traffic jams on the A1: what’s happening in the world is huge. It’s not crazy that I’ve been thinking about how to anticipate the coming time. Life has to keep going, we can anticipate. A few days ago it suddenly...
How are you? I hope you’re healthy and enjoying the sun. Now all cello lessons will be given online the workshop Irish music with Ilse de Ziah will also take place online! Because of this there were three times as many registrations, great! There is still room...