I have been giving cello lessons since 1995 and I still enjoy this to the fullest. This is partly due to the enormous variety and quantity of cello books I have in the studio. All pupils are different; one goes left (with the left hand technique) very fast and the other is more convenient on the right. Your tastes also differ so for me there is never a dull moment. It is also very nice to exchange information with colleagues. Thanks to colleague Ellis Moorman I ended up at the Cello Globetrotters and at the Fiddler play’along.

You can buy almost everything I use right away, so you don’t have to send it by post.

Among all my cello books I have chosen 10 that are the top 10 for me;

1. Waggon wheels

Although this is a method set up for young children, the piano accompaniment makes it sound like real music from piece one. This is book one for most students.

2. Sakom part 1

In addition, there is often a demand for classical music, for which I usually choose Sakom part 1, a collection full of classical cello duets that are methodically generally well constructed.

3. Fast forward

When the big handle is learned I like to choose for Fast forward; from 12 onwards with Mellow cello the big handle is set up and very methodically worked out.

4. The Cello Collection – Schirmer

Naturally there is not only attention for methodical learning but also for enjoyment; I almost always choose The Cello Collection by Schirmer for cello and piano with play along audio like first ‘real’ pieces book. Of course the collection for ‘beginners and intermediate’ and ‘Advanced’ comes later.

5. Position pieces – Rick Mooneyy

Once I change position I go for Rick Mooney’s Position pieces; very methodical and useful, from position two he builds up to position four.

6. Sakom part 3

This is often followed by Sakom part 3, one of the most beautiful bundles according to my students. You now learn all the positions from position four to position two with classical material.

7. Cello Globetrotters

This is a very nice bundle, because from the first position to the multiple position playing, the cello Globetrotters is for two cello’s and there is a play along CD.

8. Double stops – Rick Mooney

A bit of a tormentor but oh so useful; Double stops from Rick Mooney again. So double stops. Because they can be so spicy you don’t have to work out every lesson, but every now and then three. It offers other problems than playing on one string and is very useful.

9. The Cello suites of Bach

You could have him in the closet. Don’t leave it! You should be able to change position easily to get started, but if you can enjoy The Master while you can’t get through part of the Bach suite smoothly, it’s still nice to see it as an etude of masterly quality.

10. A. Number

He’s kind of the king of the cello duet: A. Kummer. Get in with his cello duets opus 156 and after that opus 22 is waiting for you. Got them out? Don’t worry. There are more bundles of him for you in my cello bookcase.

Hopefully you’ve seen some titles you don’t know yet. Nose around on the internet or at my class. Most of the books I have are lying around.

Do you have any questions about the Celloweekend for 2020? Let me know via info@celloverkoop.nl. 

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