The vacation comes to an end again and the cello lessons are scheduled again. Didn’t you have any cello lessons planned yet? Click here to go to my calendar and schedule a lesson.
5 Cello goals
It is important to make goals every year to grow in your cello playing. And setting goals for yourself is also a way to make certain goals achievable. I have written down a number of goals that you could set for yourself. Namely; span>
1. At the scales with which you start your lesson next year: plus two moles and two crosses.
2. Twice as many notes on a stroke at the end of the year.
3. Don’t say you’re not enough for playing together or an orchestra yet, but just do it nicely? Just enjoy.
4. Set up new strings because everything sounds so much nicer with good strings. No no Jargar. (Sorry.) Think Larsen and D’Adarrio Helicore. You can buy these from me; I’ll put them on for you, because it’s quite an exciting job.
5. Immediate push and get inspired: join the Basso continuo workshop on 14 September. Jan van Grootheest won’t just come again. Next summer he will join the five-day course for strings in Frenswegen, Germany. Get to know him now. What are you going to play? And you know; if you sign up before 1 September for 5 or more workshops, you will receive a 10% discount. Subscribe here.
Pick a work you really want to play, even if it’s a little too difficult. Work on it every month for a week and then see what it turns out to be at the end of the year. My experience is that nothing motivates you as well as what you like. For example, choose a part from one of the six Suitres for cello solo by J.S. Bach. You set the tempo: enjoy it.
or do you have other goals? I would love to hear it and maybe I can help you with that.