For the first time this month I hosted a workshop day with only Christmas music in Christmas atmosphere. The Cello Christmas Extreme. How nice and cozy it was; the house was filled with cellists and guests. Outside the Swedish torches and fire basket were burning; inside the stove was roaring and the lights were on. While playing I saw emotion in the players, while I got goose bumps myself. That was actually exactly what I expected; Christmas music is so beautiful! And the songs are accompanied by ukulele, cello and piano at the table; so spontaneous and beautiful! This was what I had in mind.

What I also liked so much was that my mother who was standing in the kitchen with Janny that late that night said that she enjoyed the enthusiasm, the cheerfulness with which I talked to the students. She said something like: “I enjoyed how much you liked it so much. I understand that people come to your classes, to your workshops, that’s how friendly and enthusiastic you are. I can see that you just want to do this, that this will make you happy.” I really liked what she said, because it’s always looking for a balance between family and work. Her understanding did me good and I said: “How can you not be happy and friendly when you see these smiling people, who are happy with the music, the atmosphere and the care”. When people went home, they said, “It was fantastic; see you next year!” How beautiful is that? Whether it’s a workshop or a cello lesson: my work makes me very happy.

We, cellists, subscribers to this blog, have a common passion; making music, getting better, learning something really good. When I open my digital diary and see who’s coming to class, I not only see your face and for example Sakom part 3 number 5, 6 and 7 in front of me, but also how the last class went with you. I become happy when you are happy. But the opposite is also true. If you are sad then so am I.

So I know that during this Christmas, while I’m at home in Drenthe with my family and really have a holiday, people from my fine cellist circle also have a very difficult Christmas. That makes me sad. In the quietest hours of Christmas I will think of you, and if you have any use for it, think of me. About how we can also laugh together during the better times and be enthusiastic about your progress, about your talents because of course you have more.

For everyone who has a difficult Christmas, I hope that there will be unexpected bright spots, and that next year around this time you will have new, read: good perspectives. I hope that unpacking your cello and playing beautiful music will bring your thoughts elsewhere and that you can still enjoy it. 

Dear all, dear students, customers, workshop participants, thank you for coming to the end of the year for the Christmas ball and the tiara you brought for Apollonia to the Christmas Extreme. She is great with it… For the big red letters on the blackboard right through my text; WHAT A SUPER DAY! THANK! This heat is priceless.  Thank you for coming to my classes, our classes. For going through the traffic jam again and again to learn something. For the bottle of wine you picked up for me at a deli as a non-drinker. Again. Thank you for laughing when something works out. I was there.

When the days get a little longer and the holidays seem long ago, on February 6 and 8 there will be a game again. Up to eight cellists will play Renaissance music and early baroque. Equally totally different harmonic twists, and a lowered seventh stage. You have to hear and feel that. Unpack your cello and slide on?

First on 2 January the light music workshop with Annie Tangberg; I have what you can prepare at home. When I write this there is still one place left. Do you want to join me?

Blessed Christmas and best wishes for the new year.

Scarlett, Henk & Apollonia

Scarlett | 06 – 1818 9005

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